Powerline Networking — Logitel

Powerline Networking

Powerline Networking

Power line Networking is one of the options in connecting computers to form a home network. This technology powers a "wireless" and "power free" home network. Power line networking does not require the user to install additional cables and power-consuming networking hardware to set up a network. Instead, power line networking, uses the existing power lines and power outlets in a home to send and receive information from one computer to another. Electrical power is transmitted over high voltage transmission lines, distributed over medium voltage, and used inside buildings at lower voltages.  Because power line networking needs no additional wiring and power consuming equipments, it is the cheapest method of setting up a network.


Advantages of Power Line Networking

  • One of the advantages of power line networking is that it's cheap to install and even cheaper to maintain. Moreover, because the system does not require any additional wiring and power, you can maintain the network at no cost after installation.
  • Additionally, the use of electrical wiring to transmit data means that you can connect the computers to the network from almost any room in the office that has an electrical outlet. Connecting additional computers is easy, too, as all you have to do is buy another installation kit.
  • Another advantage of using a power line network is the convenience of not having directly connected the printer to your computer. You can connect this to any electrical outlet in your home and it will be accessible to any of the computers within the network.
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